Eat Write and Exorcise

a blog by Scott Powell

Archive for the category “Uncategorized”

Bringing Up the Rear

Leading the way and blazing the trail. Yes, these are important. Without leadership we wander aimlessly, never reaching our goal. However, I prefer to bring up the rear. Those who bring up the rear assume the responsibility of ensuring that everyone makes it to the destination. They find alternate paths for those incapable of navigating the terrain covered by the bulk of the pack. When someone falls behind, it is up to the person bringing up the rear to move at their pace, to help them carry their load, to share their resources.

Bringing up the rear is a bit like J. D. Salinger’s deeply flawed Holden Caulfield’s dream of being The Catcher In the Rye. I’ll leave the trailblazing to others and if you’re looking for me, you’ll find me at the rear of the pack.

Strange Etiquette

I often wonder if women think I’m being rude or creepy when it comes to stairs. I’m just old enough that I learned a certain amount of probably outdated etiquette, and still follow it. For example, if you’re walking on a sidewalk with a woman, the man should walk closer to traffic. That one has obvious explanations – for example, if there’s a splash from a passing car the woman will be at least partially shielded.

When it comes to stairs, however, etiquette seems backward. When descending stairs, etiquette dictates that a man go first. If one isn’t aware of this, it can seem rude because we are used to “ladies first.” When going up stairs, however, etiquette dictates that a man go last. This can seem creepy because it places the man’s eyes at butt level, and a lot of women may think it’s a ploy to use the stairs to stare.

Women – if you find yourself on a staircase with me, I’m not rushing past you or trying to check out your butt. I’m just trying to remain downstairs from you, so that if you slip or trip, you’ll fall on me instead of falling down the stairs. It may be outdated, but it’s pretty firmly ingrained in my brain, so I probably won’t stop.

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